Into Your Mind

with Elena Mosaner

Welcome to "Into Your Mind," the immersive podcast experience hosted by hypnotherapist and filmmaker Elena Mosaner.

In each episode, Elena shares her expertise and personal anecdotes as she takes you on a captivating journey into the realm of hypnosis and personal development.

For the first ten minutes, Elena dives into various topics surrounding hypnosis, drawing from her own experiences and exploring the science, studies, and recent research behind this powerful practice. She delves into her experiences being a hypnotist coach with close to 20 years of experience helping transform their lives and she unveils the fascinating workings of the mind.

Halfway through as the episode unfolds, Elena slowly guides you into a state of deep relaxation and receptivity. Through her soothing voice and carefully crafted suggestions, she leads you into a state of hypnosis, where you can tap into the transformative power of your subconscious mind. Each episode focuses on a different topic, such as sleep, habit-building, confidence, healing, clarity, focus and more.

"Into Your Mind" is an immersive experience designed to empower and inspire personal growth. It's the perfect listen for those seeking to expand their understanding of themselves and unlock their full potential. Whether you're familiar with Hypnosis, Spiral Dynamics, integral theory, metamodernism, or the concepts multiperspectivity and developmental stages, this podcast is tailored to individuals who value personal development and are eager to explore the depths of their own minds.

Join Elena Mosaner on this extraordinary journey of self-discovery and transformation. Open yourself to new possibilities, embrace the power of your mind, and embark on a path of personal growth with "Into Your Mind."

Episode # 1 The Beginning. Self-Hypnosis For a Better You + Get Laser Focus.

In this episode, Elena Mosaner shares her journey of becoming a hypnotherapist while hypnotizing you to enhance your focus and organization.

You will be guided in crafting your own affirmation using the following template:

"I am better at ________, and this means ________."

For instance: "I am better at writing, and this means I will complete my first novel."

"I am better at making money, and this means I will successfully start my own business."

Compose your affirmation using this template and tune in to this captivating audio podcast to initiate positive changes in your life.

Listen on YouTube or Spotify.

Episode #2 Hypnohuasca: Drink the Blue Cup for Introspection and Shift in Perception - Your Natural Psychedelic

In this episode of "Into Your Mind," Elena Mosaner will lead you through a transformative hypnotherapeutic experience that shares similarities with psychedelic journeys facilitated by substances like ayahuasca, psilocybin, or DMT. The actual psychedelic trips can vary significantly from person to person; however, certain common aspects often emerge, such as introspection, dissolution of the ego, interconnectedness, and the ability to perceive life from multiple perspectives, as well as the purging of negative emotions and gaining a clearer understanding of one's personal life situation.

This self-hypnosis session is designed based on these principles, with the intention of helping you purify and release tense feelings while expanding your worldview. You will be guided to engage in introspection and view yourself from a broader, meta perspective, allowing you to gain unique insights into your current life journey and attain a better understanding of your personal circumstances.

Listen on YouTube or Spotify.